Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mother's Matrix Mat...and More

Design by Jen Manuell
Hooked by Lois Latham (my Mom)
I was visiting my Mom over the holidays and snapped up this photo of her Zipper rug from Jen Manuell's Amazing Matrix Booklet. I think it is really beautiful - simple, colorful and fun.

I have been at it again - knitting that is.....I have finished another September Circle. This time in blues and mauves...I could be addicted....I love all that lacy-ness going on....
I have NOT given up on hooking. As I said last week, I have been trying to hook a little each day. Sometimes easier said than done, however.... my studio looks like an explosion happened...
One of my large work tables is completely covered with my various piles see I NEED to see my palette in front of me to see what colors I will put next to each understand ...right???
I gave my niece Camille this funky cowl for her birthday yesterday, called Wasabi Cowl. Although, I made hers from multi-colored thick and thin Australian wool slightly less bulky. She was filled with gleeful delight. She is only 8 years old and was eager to show it off to her friends who, according to her, would be very jealous ! How much fun is that?
I am starting to think I may have an addiction....I was shopping at Mouliné neighborhood yarn shop and I could NOT leave without several balls of this YAK yarn ....50% yak and 50 % merino so soft. I wonder what will become of it...?

Well, I 'm off to the dye pots to rescue my wool. I have been dying up a small storm today. I have several orders to complete to keep my wool consumers warm and wooly and hooking :)

Until next time...happy hooking!


  1. WOW! That was one packed post! Of course I love your mum's AMM :-D...great colours in the Zauberball....I would love to 'borrow' some of those textures....and the Wasabi looks fun (and I must confess that I just downloaded the pattern...LOL!)
    What a mutual admiration society we are, eh! xo

  2. I adore your mother's rug! At first, in the smaller picture it looks like a quilt...then I clicked on it to enlarge and could see the rows of hooking! Perfect! Your wool looks yummy--and the yarn em!

  3. Hi Tony,
    Thanks for the nice comment on my blog - and not to worry about my eyes LOL Your mom's mat is such a happy palette - a little like yours, perhaps a bit of a genetic thing). Your latest cowl is totally my colours - so delicious. I got a ball of sock yarn for the plane ride that is similar, although not Zauberball. Hopefully, the knitting and sewing will take a back seat to hooking when I get back. I am planning a mat for the theme display, so I had better get cracking.
