Saturday, January 28, 2012

What's on My Frame

What's on My Frame....and NO I didn't fall off the edge....
I have been working away on a mat called MORE from Jennifer Manuell's Amazing Matrix. It is an adventure in TEXTURES and VALUES. I am trying to hook a little each day as this rug is a good size......Not so easy as I have caught the knitting bug again.

I was totally inspired by Jen Manuell's overdye of her September Circle Cowl, so I knit one for a Christmas Black Crazy Zauberball - a sock weight yarn... 
Well, this really got me started on knitting again....I used to knit alot years ago... and let it go when I started to hook. When shopping for the Zauberball yarn...I found some great yarn at a reduced price at my local knitting supply store Mouliné...

This yarn was being liquidated as it is a discontinued line of ROWAN yarn. It is a 50/50 blend of Silk and Merino wool DK soft and luxurious to knit with. The available colors were NOT to my liking so, I overdyed them in various rich colors and knit NOT 1 BUT 9 Infinity (one Loop) scarves for holiday gifts. Shown here is the scarf designed by Stephen West - Purl Ridge Scarf - find the pattern free here on Ravelry

As one thing led to another... I continued to knit....another free design called Boneyard Shawl from Stephen West on Ravelry.

 Well, I am still knitting and trying to hook a little each day. Most of my textured wool comes from Heavens To Betsy. Check out their Remnant Bags and their line of lovely textures...
I also get some lovely textures from Searsport Rug Hooking. Check out their Wool of The Month for great samples.

Until next time.....happy hooking!


  1. WOW! It's looking so awesome! Truth be told, when I first saw the little picture in my sidebar I was immediately drawn to it, but didn't even recognize it as a MM....funny how that happens with patterns that you know, but you're not expecting to see or that are hooked in different colourways. I really love seeing all of the different textures you've hooked together and can't wait to see what it looks like when you're done :-) Keep hooking....

    I'm finding the knitting bug to be a tough one to break, too. Maybe because it's so portable and so much less messy than rug hooking....or maybe even a little bit less time from start to finish. Not sure, but I do know it won't be going away anytime soon for me, either.

    Have a great rest of the weekend!

  2. Welcome back! It's been a long time!! I'm loving the knit scarves!

  3. Wow, you are more than making up for lost time. And NOW we know where you have been. LOL.

    Your Matrix Mat looks awesome - love the sort of primary palette - very primitive and simple. The darks and lights really POP.

    You seem to have done even more Christmas knitting than I did. I hope everyone was grateful. I am a big Stephen West fan. I nearly laughed out loud when I saw your September circle. You used the Zauberball that I wanted to do mine in, but I had a skein of Madeline Tosh that I used instead in a denim colour.

    Welcome back to the blog world.

  4. Great to see you back in blog~land Tony!
    Your rug is wonderful...can't wait to see it "off" the frame.
    Your scarves are beautiful, too. I think it's good to switch up the hand movements...and the results are worth it too. I've always kept a small project in my bag for when waiting at appointments...been taking my Dad to physical therapy twice a week now for several weeks...I've knit up a couple pair of socks and several pairs of fingerless mitts...busy hands are happy ones!
    Hope you will find time to post more often!!! ~L
