Thursday, September 13, 2012

Down Home Hospitality, Hookins and Late Summer

Can you believe how fast time flies by. In my last post I was talking about summertime bliss and now I am finding myself looking for those cool late-summer mornings. We had a gloriously hot and dry (maybe too dry) summer and I did not touch much wool at all. Our month spent in our little cottage on the Atlantic ocean was the only time I really had my hooking out and even then it was brief. 

We were very fortunate to be guests and the recipients of down home Cape Breton hospitality at two spectacular hookins this summer while vacationing in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. 

The first was with the Down East Rug Hookers, who meet weekly in Sydney, N.S. at the Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design. The hookin was held at the beautiful home of Rita Wojtyniak in East Bay on the incredible Bras D'Or Lakes. We were spoiled with all kinds of sweets and other goodies, including Rhubarb Punch! A fabulous time was had by all. Thank you Down East Rug Hookers! We look forward to sharing good times again!

The second hookin was with the Spanish Bay Friendship Matters, who also meet weekly and with my dear friend Marie Mac Vicar. The hookin was held at the lovely summer home of Lorna Mac Donald on the very one and only Mira River. We were overwhelmed with the talent and enthusiasm of this wonderful group. We were treated to a fun day filled with delicious food and warm fellowship. Thank you to all the Spanish Bay ladies! We can't wait for our next visit.

Our first hookin of the new season of the Tapissiers de Saint-Henri/Saint-Henri Rug Hookers will be on September 15th, 2012. We meet at the CRCS St-Zotique 75 Du Square Sir George Etienne Cartier, Montreal, QC, between 10am and 3:30pm.

Come and join us, everyone is welcome :) Hope to see you there.


  1. welcome back! I know exactly how you feel about the time just zooming by....yowza! Looking forward to following along with your projects this Fall. Have you been doing any fun knitting lately?

  2. Happy Fall - and all the crazy, cozy things that go with it. Good hooking and knitting weather to inspire us all. I can't stop surfing Ravelry, as if I need another project!! And I have a rug list that would kill a horse. Ah yes, it's that time again. Glad you got to be included in the east coast hospitality and hookins. It makes me proud to be an east coast gal when I hear all these great stories.
