Sunday, October 31, 2010

Crow and Pumpkins - New Project

I finally started punch hooking on my crow pattern. It has been in my head and now has been drawn and the punch hooking has begun. I am using my Oxford punch # 10 hook and Brigg's and Little Super 4 ply White washed wool yarn that I have dyed. Here is what my crow looks like so far.
You are looking at the front side of the rug. Remember we punch hook from the back, so you can't see the rest of the pattern. I will show another photo when I have punched more. Have a look at the colors I have dyed to complete my piece.
Happy Halloween


  1. Your yarn colours are delicious! And obviously inspired by your trees in the previous post. I look forward to your crow-gress.

  2. Great to see you back blogging, Tony. And wonderful to see your beautiful dyeing. John K.

  3. I am never sure where to respond to comments, so I will leave the answer to your "hide your ends" question both here and on my own blog. Jennifer, as you may know, is rather a fastidious gal and she has very detailed instructions regarding ends in her Matrix booklet. Not only does she encourage you to double back for her first loop, she also asks that you hide your tail from the last loop in the gutter beside the row. The only place where there are two tails together is in the middle of a row if there is a wool change. Very good discipline, since I didn't used to do that.

  4. Great looking crow! I just bought an Oxford punch ~ size 8 ~ this past week!! I'll post when I have time to try it ~ good information about what to do with the tails!! Thanks, Wendie!

  5. Hi Tony,
    I have been thinking lately "where is Tony"? I miss your posts! It's wonderful to see that you're working on punch needle. Those colors are luxurious! I may have to try it sometime myself as everyone is making so many great looking projects! Keep us posted on your progress!
    Cathy G
