Sunday, October 31, 2010

Crow and Pumpkins - New Project

I finally started punch hooking on my crow pattern. It has been in my head and now has been drawn and the punch hooking has begun. I am using my Oxford punch # 10 hook and Brigg's and Little Super 4 ply White washed wool yarn that I have dyed. Here is what my crow looks like so far.
You are looking at the front side of the rug. Remember we punch hook from the back, so you can't see the rest of the pattern. I will show another photo when I have punched more. Have a look at the colors I have dyed to complete my piece.
Happy Halloween

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Color Color Everywhere...

Two Months.

I never meant to be away for so long.

Life unfortunately sometimes prevents us from doing the things we love to do.....

I have been basking in the luxurious colors this autumn that Montreal has offered up. Each day the change is dramatic. Sometimes the contrasts are really breathtaking. I was lucky to catch these colors yesterday on a walk with my Sophie. The sun was just perfect to capture an incredible light.

I really hope wherever you are you are witness to some of the glorious changes autumn has to offer. Let them inspire you as they have with me.