Thursday, May 20, 2010

And One More Makes Three - Hooked Rug Collection

This is my treasured collection of hooked rug ART by Françoise Vézina-Gagnon. I am SO excited to have acquired the 3rd piece of textile art by one of my favorite rug hooking artists. I have been lusting after the larger piece entitled " Village de Saint-François, Ile d'Oréans" ever since I first saw it. Now, everyday when I come home and see the "village" I feel the excitement of its' beauty. You can easily see why Françoise's work takes my breath away. Click on the photo for a better look. The smaller piece to the left is entitled "Chapelle de Procession Ste. Famille". The piece above the village is entitled "Vieille maison l' ile d'orleans vers 1930".

Here are three more recent pieces of hooked rug ART by Françoise, exhibited at the recent 2010 Exhibition of the St. Henri Rug Hookers.
La Maison Sous Les Arbres
Hooked and Designed by Françoise Vézina-Gagnon
Inspired by painter Marc-Auèle Fortin
Les Patates, Argentenay, Ile d'Orleans
Hooked and Designed by Françoise Vézina-Gagnon
Harvesting potatoes in Argentenay, Saint François, de l'Ile d'Orleans 1930

Le Roi du Clocher et Les Croix de Chemin
Hooked and Designed by Françoise Vézina-Gagnon
On top of steeples we find roosters all along the road that circles the Island.
The road is 42 miles long.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for introducing me to this hooking artist. Her work is inspiring! I'm finding that when people hook what they KNOW it just turns out incredibly beautiful!
