Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More Lucious Wool for Kilims

Another of Wanda's wandering colors - Moroccan Sand. This one is as delicious can be with lovely soft mediums and dull darks. It works really well in Kilim rugs. Just like the other neutral wandering wools, these really do make your other colors sing!
The formula  for Moroccan Sand was published in Wanda's dye column  "Colors to Dye For" in Rug Hooking Magazine, March/April/May 2004.
To learn more about the Wandering method visit Wanda's blog at: http://wandaworksinwiarton.blogspot.com/


  1. Really luscious wool Tony! I have to get to the dye pots myself pretty darn quick! I did get my rug finished in record time! Now I have to decide what to do next! Thanks for your nice comments on my blog! I can't believe you've only seen one Cardinal! We have a lot around here but I will tell you.....they take your breath away each and every time you see them! Esp. in the white snow. They are spectacular birds! Cathy G

  2. Warm and beautiful Tony, the perfect piece on a cold winter's day! ~Laurie
