Sunday, November 22, 2009

Rugs From Hooked in the Mountains XIV Continues

It really is impossible to photograph each rug at the show. So, the rugs that you see are the ones that either caught my eye or are rugs of people that I know. Each time that I walked around looking at the rugs in the show, I saw different ones; this seems to be a universal phenomenon.

Another of the featured artists was Sharon L.Townsend. Here are some of her rugs.

Hooked and Designed by Sharon L. Townsend.
Altoona, Iowa /Marathon, Florida

Handmaidens To The Queen
Hooked and Designed by Sharon L. Townsend.
Altoona, Iowa /Marathon, Florida

Bending With The Wind
Hooked and Designed by Sharon L. Townsend.
Altoona, Iowa /Marathon, Florida

Uncharted Waters
Hooked and Designed by Sharon L. Townsend.
Altoona, Iowa /Marathon, Florida

Ok, that's all for now...My dye pots are bubbling away with samples of the new colors that I bought while at the show. I will post the samples when they are dry.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tony! This is so beautiful! What a great initiative! I wasn't able to get to Shelburne this year but this is the next best thing! I look forward to your posts. The other blogs you list are terrific too! I've tried to add a photo to my profile here but it's not letting me do that... a bug of some kind perhaps.
